April wind
apple blossoms
take a wild ride
However much in its own season, Virginia’s snapshot is also timeless. Her life’s wild ride had so many wild rides within, even aftermath to her last fall no exception. She took us with her a few times right to the edge, it seemed, coming back as if only to share–
on the other side/ it really is different…
or, facing her east window at dawn:
one more hula
under the blue sky….
Volumes passed through her attentive hand, with or without words. Poems just now being found in her hand (like April wind, above) expand the dance.
We’re thinking we should choose some of Virginia’s poems to make a small collection called Take a Wild Ride, as a gift printed for friends, old & new. It should probably include at least three sections: ‘snap-poems,” like the apple-blossoms, above; ‘thrilling adventures,’ like “All downhill from here…” (one of the wildest rides in words anywhere, e.e.c.’s Divinity Avenue notwithstanding); & a third to be named ‘Later…,’ with reflections….
Feel free to send nominations–by title or first line–for poems that should be included in a hard copy gathering of her best, by email with “VRB” for subject c/o bodlibrary2020@gmail.com. (Communications sent via the website’s “Comment” box are likely lost when trashing the spam en mass.)