Timeless Gifts

Virginia seems to have taken the spirit of Tagore’s Gitanjali, Song-Offerings, fully to heart, and most works finished in her own hand were gifts to & for loved ones, friends & family–her children, her parents, her partners in experience, in poetry, in anything but crime.

The following two groups are to her daughter Gita & son Gus, respectively, but surprisingly woven together with sections featuring (& originally written for) her mother, like movements in a musical tapestry in which relationships are the threads.

Each has a cover page here now only in copied black=&-white, suggesting fully colored versions in the originals. They are each paper-clipped separately but without an order specified between them. The first one up, labeled “to Gita, 1-17-2000, Love, mum vrb” is captioned: “Sunrise/ was extravagant & delicious/ raspberry flamingo/ the wind sang & sang.” One of its poems is dated 1-17-99, however, and another “from 1999 into 2000.”

The other is labeled “birdpoems for Gus, 12-99, Love, mum –vrb…” & captioned: “snapped/ from a dream/ snow & wind in all directions.” As suggested above, the two groups are woven together by sharing certain stanzas, as well as a repeated page….